Friday, October 8, 2010

Election Season 2010

I don't know about you but the mute button on my television clicker has been getting a work-out lately. The other day, I thought if I heard another political ad I'd find myself out in the street screaming and tearing out my hair.

Today I got my very first push poll of this political season, and a robo call, at that. I hate robo calls with a passion but I hate push polls even more. Push polls are just down right dishonest, an effort to push the uninformed into voting in a particular way (often against their best interests). Is there no shame?!?  Or is it just how we all play the game? Just a rhetorical question, of course.

And now, I find nasty, negative political ads on this blog. Of course, the joke is on them as no one actually ever reads this blog.

Update 10/27/2010 - Today I find positive ads here for Senator Ron Wyden, a true champion of the Pacific Northwest, and most particularly, of Oregon.

Safety - Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs)

A basic premise of physics ... every action has an equal and opposite reaction comes to mind ....
 Or perhaps, the seemingly true ....... all actions have unexpected consequences.

Just unpacked a box of brand new CFL's to more economically, and environmentally-correctly light my corner of the universe. What follows was found within the box of bulbs and labeled,

Proper Care And Disposal of CFLs-
CFL's are safe for your home and our environment with just a little care, but they do contain trace amounts of mercury. They should be handled and disposed of using a few simple precautions. Always screw and unscrew the bulb by its base (not the glass). If a CFL breaks, open the windows in the room for 15 minutes to air out the area. Use a piece of paper or cardboard to sweep up the broken pieces. Use a wet paper towel to wipe up any remaining glass fragments and place the broken pieces into a sealed plastic bag. CFLs should always be recycled. Never throw an intact CFL in the garbage. Visit for more information.