Sunday, February 28, 2010

Search For Missing Americans in Wake of Chilean Earthquake

State Department - Consular Services

People Finder - Chile Earthquake

 Source for help in finding (or sharing) information about family and friends in Chile after yesterday's earthquake ...... terremoto en Chile ....... from Google ..........

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Spanish Word of the Day - (((TERREMOTO)))

El Terremoto (En Chile)

From Associated Press - The State Department advises Americans seeking information on family and friends in Chile to contact the Bureau of Consular Affairs at 1-888-407-4747

Someone near and dear to my heart is somewhere in Chile. He has not checked in with family here in the states. I have only basic cable television so find myself watching Spanish language television with hopes of catching a meaningful glimpse of the chaos currently unfolding in Chile.

Rescues continue from structures knocked down by this morning's massive earthquakes ... Imagenes de Rescates

Hearing words of Dr. Arturo Chavez, Experto en Rescate, Mexico ...... on Telemundo ..... 

My Spanish is limited but finding that I understand more than I might have expected to understand, maybe because I care about the discussion underway.

Headlines -

Aeropuerto de Santiago ..... Closed for at least 24 hours ........

El Terremoto Duro 90 Segundos y Fue de 8.8

Suenan Las Sirenas En Hawai Por Primera Vez En 16 Anos

Edificio de 5 Anos Colapso en la Comuna De Maipu

Argentina Seria Puente de Ayuda en la Catastrofe  ...........

Alerta de Tsunami en .... Pacific Basin

Tremors felt in Argentina and Brazil, tambien 

Note of Interest - Chile's first female president .......  Michelle Bachelet ..

Updates in English - CNN

Note: Skype (free video phone is here!) important means of first-hand accounts from Chile and from Hawaii (tsunami concerns)