Friday, July 9, 2010

Do You Miss Your Mother?

I certainly miss mine.

My mother read voraciously - - books, magazines, newsletters and newspapers. More often then not, she would find some tidbit she felt compelled to share with me.

I didn't always appreciate the message.

While today it's common to just send a link to a website, Mom would carefully clip the information she wished to share and then either keep it aside until my next visit or (if she considered it to be urgent) send it via the United States Postal Service. Sometimes she called and read the tidbit she had found over the phone.

Today I received this text message -

"CDC - Protect your skin when having fun outdoors! Use sunscreen, wear hats/sunglasses, find shade during peak hrs (10-4) when UV rays are strongest. 800-232-4636"

Now doesn't that sound just like someone's mom asking her child to take care of herself/himself?

I smile and laugh whenever I read one of these tidbits from the CDC because I am reminded of my mother.

CDC Text Messages

CDC Text Messages Widget. Flash Player 9 is required. CDC Text Messages Widget. Flash Player 9 is required.

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